Bird Box 2 : Barcelona (2024)

Following the world’s population annihilation by an entity of unknown origin that prompts observers to commit suicide, Sebastian and his daughter set off on their own epic survival journey in Barcelona.

How Bird Box Barcelona Sets Up a SequelBYRENALDO MATADEENPUBLISHED AUG 12, 2023

Bird Box Barcelona ends on a winning note but there is a harrowing, deep cut that paves the way for more chaos and bloodshed in a follow-up.

Bird Box Barcelona initially feels like a retread of the 2018 film starring Sandra Bullock. While the latter film focused on invisible entities driving people to commit suicide in America, this sequel switches to Spain. Here, it slowly turns into something more chaotic. The twist is Father Esteban’s cult is forcing people to look at the monsters and die.

Thankfully, Sebastián helps Claire and Sophia get to a stronghold at a castle in Montjuïc, sacrificing himself against the cult. However, Bird Box Barcelona’s ending reveals there are sinister experiments being conducted. This leaves the path open for a sequel to follow a couple of intriguing directions.

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Bird Box Barcelona 2 Can Create New Monsters

The film concludes with the military experimenting on seers: people who can view the beings, survive and who take pleasure in their existence. The soldiers plan to create a cure, inject people and have them see the monsters without wanting to kill themselves. This is meant, not just to steel up survivors, but to create a bigger human army to trap or kill the monsters. It makes sense as the army somehow captured one to test the cure on by placing injected rats in its presence.

The problem is, there’s no telling what this could do to the human test subjects. It could mutate them, creating something similar to the ResidentEvil movies where science in the name of good backfires significantly. Such an approach also creates a civil war, as Claire and others already don’t like the moral and ethical lines being crossed. This would give Claire, Sophie and the others enemies on the inside, shaping a claustrophobic environment and making the castle a huge prison. Seeing as there’s already one invisible being there, it could easily begin to corrupt and own these infected humans too, the same way the cult obeyed them up top. This would freshen up the series, adding more sadistic monsters to the mix.

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Bird Box Barcelona 2 Can Focus on the Breach

This castle is said to be impervious and the one place the monsters can’t enter. It’s why the military is trying as hard as possible to avoid an opening being made. A sequel can easily focus on the human resistance trying to stop the imprisoned seers and the one monster from creating a breach at the surface to get more creatures in, which is their ultimate mission. This could result in a massive war, with the cured individuals actually working out and being the perfect equalizers against the threats.

One has to believe that if the army could capture a monster, they have technology and other tools to take them down. Bird Box Barcelona’s soldiers do feel more efficient and overly confident with their scientists around, so a sequel can evolve the franchise to a point of finality — mankind cracking the code and developing weapons to kill these beings once and for all. This has even more potential for expansion across Europe should the war indeed reach the surface again. Hopefully, as humans try to stop new incursions and villains down below, Bird Box Barcelona’s mysteries are answered, revealing the purpose and origin of the unseen entities once and for all in the ultimate battle for the soul of mankind.

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